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Established Date: 1903
Area: Spain
City: Sabadell
Stadium: Estadi de la Nova Creu Alta
Capacity: 11,908
Address: Plaça d'Olímpia, 1, 08206 Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain
Website: http://www.cesabadell.cat
Players' age: 35.08(Average)
Sabadell - Historic scores
    Last games
Match Date Team Result Team Handicap Odds Over
HT Over
SPA D3-C16/03/25Sabadell *4-0UD AlziraW-1.5WinOE3-0O
SPA D3-C10/03/25 UE Olot0-1Sabadell *W-0/0.5WinUO0-1O
SPA D3-C02/03/25 Balears*1-0Sabadell L+0LossUO0-0U
SPA D3-C24/02/25Sabadell *0-4Sant AndreuL-0.5LossOE0-1O
SPA D3-C17/02/25UE Cornella2-2Sabadell * D-0/0.5Loss1/2OE1-0O
SPA D3-C10/02/25Sabadell *1-1LleidaD-0/0.5Loss1/2UE1-1O
SPA D3-C02/02/25Ibiza Islas Pitiusas1-0Sabadell *L-0/0.5LossUO1-0O
Cata Cup30/01/25Sabadell 0-1RCD Espanyol*L+0/0.5LossUO0-1O
SPA D3-C26/01/25Sabadell *1-1AndratxD-1/1.5LossUE1-0O
SPA D3-C19/01/25Espanyol B1-2Sabadell *W-0/0.5WinOO1-1O
Cata Cup16/01/25Terrassa(N)*1-2Sabadell W+0/0.5WinOO0-1O
SPA D3-C12/01/25Sabadell *0-1Torrent CFL-0.5/1LossUO0-1O
SPA D3-C22/12/24 Sabadell *1-1Valencia CF MestallaD-0.5LossUE1-1O
Cata Cup19/12/24Lleida*1-2Sabadell W+0.5WinOO0-1O
SPA D3-C16/12/24CF Badalona Futur1-1Sabadell *D-0.5LossUE1-1O
SPA D3-C08/12/24Sabadell *0-0TerrassaD-0.5LossUE0-0U
SPA D3-C01/12/24 SCR Pena Deportiva1-1Sabadell *D-0/0.5Loss1/2UE1-0O
SPA D3-C28/11/24UD Alzira0-0Sabadell *D-0.5LossUE0-0U
SPA D3-C24/11/24Sabadell *1-1CE EuropaD-0.5LossUE0-0U
SPA D3-C17/11/24Mallorca B0-2Sabadell *W-0.5WinUE0-1O
Totally, 20 match(es) in total: 6 win(s)(30.00%), 9 draw(s)(45.00%), 5 defeat(es)(25.00%).
Totally, 20 games open: 6 win(s)(30.00%), 0 draw(s)(0.00%), 14 loss(es)(70.00%).
Totally, 6 game(s) over, 14 game(s) under, 12 game(s) Even, 8 game(s) Odd, 16 game(s) half-game over, 4 game(s) half-game under
Total Win Total Draw Total Loss Home Win Home Draw Home Loss Neutral Win Neutral Draw Neutral Loss Away Win Away Draw Away Loss
6 9 5 1 5 3 1 0 0 4 4 2
30.00% 45.00% 25.00% 11.11% 55.56% 33.33% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 40.00% 40.00% 20.00%
Sabadell - Goal totals & Odd/Even Stat.(M)
0-1 2-3 4-6 7 or more Odd Even
Total 278 382 163 10 402 431
Sabadell - Goal Stat.(M)
Win2+ Win1 Draw Loss1 Loss2+ Goal0 Goal1 Goal2 Goal3+
Total 110 174 265 153 131 263 325 159 86
13.21% 20.89% 31.81% 18.37% 15.73% 31.57% 39.02% 19.09% 10.32%
Home 68 103 134 63 34 104 158 86 54
16.92% 25.62% 33.33% 15.67% 8.46% 25.87% 39.30% 21.39% 13.43%
Neutral 0 4 3 2 1 0 6 4 0
0.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 60.00% 40.00% 0.00%
Away 42 67 128 88 96 159 161 69 32
9.98% 15.91% 30.40% 20.90% 22.80% 37.77% 38.24% 16.39% 7.60%
Sabadell - Away in the Past(M)
  High Odds Win High Odds Draw High Odds Loss Low Odds Win Low Odds Draw Low Odds Loss Draw Odds Win Draw Odds Draw Draw Odds Loss
Total 101 1 131 127 6 130 46 43 30
43.35% 0.43% 56.22% 48.29% 2.28% 49.43% 38.66% 36.13% 25.21%
Home 81 1 102 24 2 19 30 27 13
44.02% 0.54% 55.43% 53.33% 4.44% 42.22% 42.86% 38.57% 18.57%
Neutral 1 0 3 2 1 1 1 1 0
25.00% 0.00% 75.00% 50.00% 25.00% 25.00% 50.00% 50.00% 0.00%
Away 19 0 26 101 3 110 15 15 17
42.22% 0.00% 57.78% 47.20% 1.40% 51.40% 31.91% 31.91% 36.17%
Sabadell - Fixture
Match Time Team Team
SPA D3-C22/03/2025 19:00Elche CF IlicitanoVSSabadell
SPA D3-C30/03/2025 18:00Sabadell VSMallorca B
SPA D3-C06/04/2025 23:59CE EuropaVSSabadell
SPA D3-C13/04/2025 18:00Sabadell VSSCR Pena Deportiva
SPA D3-C20/04/2025 23:00TerrassaVSSabadell
SPA D3-C27/04/2025 23:59Sabadell VSCF Badalona Futur
SPA D3-C04/05/2025 23:59Valencia CF MestallaVSSabadell
Have Your Say
10Edgar Hernandez Marce
11Nestor Querol
Antonio Gabarre Ballarin
6Angel Martinez Cervera
8Adrian Cuevas Algeciras
14Antonio Romero
16Xavi Boniquet
Cesar Morgado
4Aleix Coch
12Oscar Rubio Fauria
24Jesus Olmo Lozano
31Froilan Leal
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