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Saudi Arabia(U20)
Area: Saudi Arabia
City: Riyadh
Saudi Arabia(U20) - Historic scores
     Last games
Match Date Team Result Team Handicap Odds Over
HT Over
AFC U2001/03/25Australia(U20)(N)*1-1Saudi Arabia(U20)D+0.5WinUE1-1O
90 minutes[1-1],120 minutes[1-1],Penalty Kicks[5-4]
AFC U2026/02/25Saudi Arabia(U20)(N)0-0Korea Republic(U20)*D+0.5/1WinUE0-0U
90 minutes[0-0],120 minutes[0-0],Penalty Kicks[3-2]
AFC U2022/02/25Saudi Arabia(U20)1-0China(U20)*W+0.5WinUO0-0U
AFC U2019/02/25Saudi Arabia(U20)(N)*2-1North Korea(U20)W-0.5/1Win1/2OO0-1O
AFC U2016/02/25 Saudi Arabia(U20)(N)*0-1Iraq(U20) L-0LossUO0-1O
AFC U2013/02/25Jordan(U20)(N)0-1Saudi Arabia(U20)*W-0/0.5WinUO0-0U
INTERF20/11/24Saudi Arabia(U20)1-1Democratic Rep Congo(U20)D  UE 
INTERF17/11/24Saudi Arabia(U20)2-1Democratic Rep Congo(U20)W  OO2-1O
INTERF14/10/24Saudi Arabia(U20)2-0China(U20)W  UE 
INTERF11/10/24Saudi Arabia(U20)0-0China(U20)D  UE0-0U
AFC U2030/09/24Australia(U20)*0-0Saudi Arabia(U20)D+0DrawUE0-0U
AFC U2028/09/24Saudi Arabia(U20)5-0Macao China(U20) W  OO2-0O
AFC U2026/09/24Saudi Arabia(U20)*4-0Afghanistan(U20)W-0.5/1WinOE0-0U
AFC U2022/09/24 Palestine(U20)0-1Saudi Arabia(U20)W  UO0-0U
INTERF17/09/24Saudi Arabia(U20)2-4Yemen(U20)L  OE1-0O
INTERF09/09/24Morocco(U20)4-1Saudi Arabia(U20)L  OO 
INTERF06/09/24Morocco(U20)2-1Saudi Arabia(U20)L  OO2-0O
COTIF07/08/23Saudi Arabia(U20)0-3Elche(U20)L  OO0-1O
COTIF05/08/23Saudi Arabia(U20)1-0UD Alzira(U20)W  UO0-0U
COTIF02/08/23Saudi Arabia(U20)2-0Valencia(U20)W  UE0-0U
Totally, 20 match(es) in total: 10 win(s)(50.00%), 5 draw(s)(25.00%), 5 defeat(es)(25.00%).
Totally, 8 games open: 6 win(s)(75.00%), 1 draw(s)(12.50%), 1 loss(es)(12.50%).
Totally, 8 game(s) over, 12 game(s) under, 9 game(s) Even, 11 game(s) Odd, 8 game(s) half-game over, 9 game(s) half-game under
Total Win Total Draw Total Loss Home Win Home Draw Home Loss Neutral Win Neutral Draw Neutral Loss Away Win Away Draw Away Loss
10 5 5 7 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2
50.00% 25.00% 25.00% 63.64% 18.18% 18.18% 40.00% 40.00% 20.00% 25.00% 25.00% 50.00%
Saudi Arabia(U20) - Goal totals & Odd/Even Stat.(M)
0-1 2-3 4-6 7 or more Odd Even
Total 22 54 25 4 56 49
Saudi Arabia(U20) - Goal Stat.(M)
Win2+ Win1 Draw Loss1 Loss2+ Goal0 Goal1 Goal2 Goal3+
Total 24 18 21 21 21 25 41 22 17
22.86% 17.14% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 23.81% 39.05% 20.95% 16.19%
Home 12 7 5 8 2 6 12 7 9
35.29% 20.59% 14.71% 23.53% 5.88% 17.65% 35.29% 20.59% 26.47%
Neutral 11 6 8 10 12 13 15 12 7
23.40% 12.77% 17.02% 21.28% 25.53% 27.66% 31.91% 25.53% 14.89%
Away 1 5 8 3 7 6 14 3 1
4.17% 20.83% 33.33% 12.50% 29.17% 25.00% 58.33% 12.50% 4.17%
Saudi Arabia(U20) - Away in the Past(M)
  High Odds Win High Odds Draw High Odds Loss Low Odds Win Low Odds Draw Low Odds Loss Draw Odds Win Draw Odds Draw Draw Odds Loss
Total 14 0 14 18 1 16 1 2 3
50.00% 0.00% 50.00% 51.43% 2.86% 45.71% 16.67% 33.33% 50.00%
Home 5 0 5 2 0 0 0 1 1
50.00% 0.00% 50.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 50.00%
Neutral 9 0 8 10 1 12 1 0 2
52.94% 0.00% 47.06% 43.48% 4.35% 52.17% 33.33% 0.00% 66.67%
Away 0 0 1 6 0 4 0 1 0
0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 60.00% 0.00% 40.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00%
Have Your Say
7Ali Al-Mahdawi
9Talal Abubakr Haji
11Saad Haqawi
15Amar Al-Yuhaybi
17Hussain Al-Raqwani
23Thamer Al-Khaibri
8Rakan Al-Ghamdi
10Ziyad Al-Ghamdi
13Bassam Hazzazi
14Farhah Al-Shamrani
18Ramez Zaid Al-Attar
20Abdulmalik Al Harbi
2Sultan Al-Essa
3Turki Al Madani
4Saud Haroun
5Mohammed Barnawi
6Saleh Barnawi
12Nawaf Al-Gulaymish
16Saud Al-Tumbukti
19Awad Aman
1Abdulelah Al-Ghamdi
21Abdulrahman Ali Al-Ghamdi
22Hamed Yousef Al-Shanqiti
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