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Atletico Parana
Established Date: 1907-6-16
Area: Argentina
City: Parana
Stadium: Pedro Mutio
Capacity: 6,000
Atletico Parana - Historic scores
    Last games
Match Date Team Result Team Handicap Odds Over
HT Over
ARG TRFA16/12/24Atletico Parana*2-2CSyD Juventud Unida GualeguaychuD-0.5LossOE1-0O
ARG TRFA08/12/24CSyD Juventud Unida Gualeguaychu*5-2Atletico ParanaL+0/0.5LossOO3-1O
ARG TRFA04/11/24Don Bosco Parana0-0Atletico ParanaD  UE0-0U
ARG TRFA11/01/24Atletico Parana*0-0CSyD Juventud Unida Gualeguaychu D-0/0.5Loss1/2UE0-0U
90 minutes[0-0],Penalty Kicks[4-5]
ARG D3FA17/10/22Gimnasia Esgrima CdU4-1Atletico ParanaL  OO1-1O
ARG D3FA09/10/22Atletico Parana2-0CSyD Juventud Unida GualeguaychuW  UE0-0U
ARG D3FA03/10/22 Boca Unidos*0-0Atletico ParanaD+0.5/1WinUE0-0U
ARG D3FA26/09/22 Atletico Parana*1-3Juventud AntonianaL-0LossOE0-2O
ARG D3FA19/09/22 Crucero del Norte1-0Atletico ParanaL  UO0-0U
ARG D3FA12/09/22Atletico Parana1-2Sportivo Las Parejas*L+0/0.5LossOO1-1O
ARG D3FA29/08/22Gimnasia y Tiro*2-0Atletico ParanaL+0.5/1LossUE0-0U
ARG D3FA25/08/22Atletico Parana*2-1Union Sunchales W-0.5WinOO0-0U
ARG D3FA21/08/22Defensores Pronunciamiento2-0Atletico ParanaL  UE1-0O
ARG D3FA15/08/22Atletico Parana0-1G.San Martin Formosa*L+0.5LossUO0-0U
ARG D3FA06/08/22Central Norte Salta0-1Atletico Parana W  UO0-1O
ARG D3FA31/07/22Atletico Parana0-1Defensores Belgrano Villa Ramallo*L+0LossUO0-0U
ARG D3FA25/07/22CA Douglas Haig*1-2Atletico ParanaW+1/1.5WinOO0-1O
ARG D3FA21/07/22 Atletico Parana0-4Sarmiento Resistencia*L+0/0.5LossOE0-3O
ARG D3FA16/07/22Sportivo Belgrano4-1Atletico ParanaL  OO1-0O
ARG D3FA11/07/22Atletico Parana2-2Racing de Cordoba D  OE1-0O
Totally, 20 match(es) in total: 4 win(s)(20.00%), 5 draw(s)(25.00%), 11 defeat(es)(55.00%).
Totally, 12 games open: 3 win(s)(25.00%), 0 draw(s)(0.00%), 9 loss(es)(75.00%).
Totally, 10 game(s) over, 10 game(s) under, 10 game(s) Even, 10 game(s) Odd, 11 game(s) half-game over, 9 game(s) half-game under
Total Win Total Draw Total Loss Home Win Home Draw Home Loss Neutral Win Neutral Draw Neutral Loss Away Win Away Draw Away Loss
4 5 11 2 3 5 0 0 0 2 2 6
20.00% 25.00% 55.00% 20.00% 30.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 20.00% 20.00% 60.00%
Atletico Parana - Goal totals & Odd/Even Stat.(M)
0-1 2-3 4-6 7 or more Odd Even
Total 68 90 35 2 91 104
Atletico Parana - Goal Stat.(M)
Win2+ Win1 Draw Loss1 Loss2+ Goal0 Goal1 Goal2 Goal3+
Total 17 34 65 43 36 69 81 33 12
8.72% 17.44% 33.33% 22.05% 18.46% 35.38% 41.54% 16.92% 6.15%
Home 12 20 39 20 13 32 45 18 9
11.54% 19.23% 37.50% 19.23% 12.50% 30.77% 43.27% 17.31% 8.65%
Neutral 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 0.00%
Away 5 14 25 22 23 37 35 14 3
5.62% 15.73% 28.09% 24.72% 25.84% 41.57% 39.33% 15.73% 3.37%
Atletico Parana - Away in the Past(M)
  High Odds Win High Odds Draw High Odds Loss Low Odds Win Low Odds Draw Low Odds Loss Draw Odds Win Draw Odds Draw Draw Odds Loss
Total 22 0 35 35 0 41 7 10 9
38.60% 0.00% 61.40% 46.05% 0.00% 53.95% 26.92% 38.46% 34.62%
Home 22 0 35 5 0 5 4 8 8
38.60% 0.00% 61.40% 50.00% 0.00% 50.00% 20.00% 40.00% 40.00%
Neutral 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Away 0 0 0 29 0 35 3 2 1
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 45.31% 0.00% 54.69% 50.00% 33.33% 16.67%
Have Your Say
Ivan Emilio Borghello
Diego Nadir Ftacla
Enzo Noir
Fernando Benitez
Sergio Alejandro Chitero
Sebastian Ignacio Caballero
Milton Schonfeld
Pablo Vercellino
Pablo Lencioni
Mauro Elias Pajon
Alexis Jose Ekkert
Diego Alejandro Reynoso
Federico Cordoba
Ricardo Stechina
Maximiliano Piris
Martin Galli
Emilio Crusat
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